Friday, March 7, 2008

Jenny's Profile

I am so honored to be a part of this tour. When I tell people what we are about to undertake, the response is always “wow, that is something you will never forget!” It’s true, I will see incredible sites and test my body’s limits again and again. But the unforgettable nature of this trip goes beyond that. I am riding in support of my wonderful husband, Jonathan, and in honor his father Stanley... who will watch our progress from a much more comfortable seat. As a future occupational therapist, I am riding with the desire that the countless others who still suffer from the debilitating effects of lung-related diseases may find new hope and a future. I also ride as a way to share my prayers, love, and time with anybody we encounter and especially those who battle COPD. I'm in the process of organizing opportunities for our team to go into cardio-pulmonary units of hospitals along our route for this reason. The people we meet will inspire us to go further, and hopefully our efforts will have the same effect on them. We have been extremely blessed in our physical ability to make this happen and it is our privilege to do so for those who cannot.

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