Friday, March 7, 2008

Carrie's Profile

I will have to admit that when Jonathan Emlet asked me to take on this cross-country endeavor I was a little intimidated by the task. So many other of life's trivial worries entered my mind and I found myself quickly discouraged and convinced that this was simply an undertaking that I could not accept. However, the magnitude of this challenge began to monopolize my thoughts and slowly, I found myself asking why not instead of focusing on all of the reasons that I could
not accept. After much prayer, I am glad to say that my curiosity got the better of me and I gleefully accepted. The intrigue of a challenge has propelled me forward in so many of life's journeys thus far. I have been challenged intellectually, through the many years of my
education, spiritually as I find myself reaffirming my beliefs daily,and now I have initiated the grueling training terrain for physicial prowess.

It seem only fitting that the next chapter or "step" of my journey be representative of a man named Stanley and so many like him who are physicially unable to take on such a daunting endeavor. As both a physician assistant and an individual, I have witnessed many members of my own family, as well as several friends and patients suffer from the vast effects of lung disease. I have assisted many to survive lung disease and sadly I have also seen so many succumb to the disease process. SFS, for me offers much hope for the future of lung disease awareness and research. It's continuous growth will allow many of those who have touched my life to hope for a better future free from disease. It is for those struggling with lung disease, and the hope that SFS offers that I take on this challenge. It may be a bit unusual and extreme, but it has been my experience that the most intimidating journeys usually result in being the most rewarding.

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