Saturday, June 21, 2008

1,000 Miles!!!

Just a quick note to announce that we have officially reached Great Falls, Montana and therefore cycled over 1,000 miles from Florence! YAY!!!

Thank you for all of your support! Keep spreading the word about the cause... as outstanding a trip as this has become, that's not why we're out here. Make every step count!


Sue said...

WOW -- That is SO GREAT! You've done a quarter of the trip, and it sounds like it was an absolutely amazing journey for the first quarter. Keep up the good work . . . stay safe, take care of each other. Huge tons of love, hugs and prayers all around. Let us know about the No. Dakota drop as soon as possible.

Becky said...

Whoa....1000 proud of you guys. Stay safe, keep looking up. God is with you for sure.

Love and continued prayers

mamasieta ahlquist

Cindy Bills said...

Hey! How cool is that, 1,000 miles already. What an amazing journey for you all. We are enjoying sharing a piece of it through your blog and photos. Thanks! And great work, mama duck Autumn, keeping the gang goin' even when you enter the "no man's land" of no cell phones, no internet, and loose horses. :)

Rantipole15 said...

Woohoo! Congratulations!

Anna B said...

congrats guys! I love you!